Sunday 15 November 2009

Potential photographs.

here are a variety of photographs some of which include my final images.

the flash of my camera is reflected in the lens of my models camera. this is a striking image but the light reflection ruin's it. it connotes how digital technology has become not necessarily a part of us but it has become a obligatory part of our life, almostchanging the way we are, in other words the younger generations are more technology literate.

these photograph's don't leave enough space for the middle where the fold will be, so i have taken some more images to replace these. there is also some issues regarding lighting and background mise en scene.

Wednesday 11 November 2009


This was the original photograph. i have used the dodge and blur tools, and text. though the difference may seem very insignificant the effect of this photograph is now more professional, in that it bring the attention to balpreet my model. However i could have imp[roved this photograph by giving it a higher blur in the background, because balpreet looks as if she is competing against the bin.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Media mock up – newspaper advert

The name of the documentary is Generations: THE DIGITAL ERA, this will be placed at the top as the head mast.

As a strong image I will have the profile of my model who will be female (Balpreet Daffu) to subvert the stereotype of the association of males with photography as some of the best modern studio photographers are male, but the analogue photographers are female such as Diane Arbus. This is also a typical of the white middle class back ground, because a person with a keen interest in analogue photography buys the equipment which is quite expensive so I will use an Asian model to challenge the stereotypes. As it will be a digital camera which my model will hold, the teenage audience to respond more to the advert rather then the typical older target audience because it refers to social networking sites.

for my double paged spread, the news paper ad photograph with a mirror image of the same girl in a similar pose, but this image will be in black and white so as to reflect the historical aspect of analogue photography, and there will be more of a focal point on the main subject rather then in the colour as it has more distractions, but colour image will be more effective for the news paper ad as it will catch the potential audiences eye. The camera in the image on the page on the right hand side will be an analogue camera. The fact that I may use the same image for the double page spread allows the audience to recognise and make a link from the newspaper ad.

I have named my documentary generations because I want it to be for the different generations in our society who are old enough to understand the concept of the digital era. Automatically the audience will assume what message is being given by the 2 contrasting images and will want to know more. The writing can go on the models hair and clothes but the main image will be the analogue and digital camera’s so no writing will be placed on them. For the colour photograph I will blur out the back ground so as not to distract the audience from the main image. The mise en scene for the colour photograph includes a wall with windows which will give it a slightly casual/ industrial feel. For the black and white photograph I will use the same back ground but darken it for a more dramatic appeal.

Sunday 1 November 2009