Tuesday 25 August 2009

Initial brief.

I intend to make a five minute extract of an authored documentary, plus a double paged spread for a listings magazine and also a newspaper advert for the documentary.

For my target audience the demographics are both male and female’s aged from 15 and above, as my documentary looks at today’s generation and how web 2.0 allows a means of uploading photo’s on to the internet by virtually anyone and considering their selves photographer’s when it truly takes a lot more skill then to just snap a button. However this documentary also takes a journey through analogue photography within a school and a 6th form therefore it can appeal to a wider audience then just photographers, for example parents as well as young adults or children may be interested in how photography works as a subject, also today’s culture is made of many generations and ethnicities where art means different things for individuals, and this documentary will help those people understand and appreciate photography as an art.

My intended audience’s psychographics are people with an interest in art and believe in the expressionism that can be portrayed through it. Also their lifestyle can be of a student or a senior member of the public who have little time for art but still want to know more about it.

There are many other similar media products, such as The Genius Of Photography, and National Geographic’s productions The Photographer’s and Through The Lens, there are also independent documentaries specifying on just one photographer and their style of photography. I have looked at various clips within some of the documentaries to gain an idea of what kind of footage I should get for my documentary.

Thi clip of the documentary Genius of photography and is a good example of how to use a voice over, an interview and historical eveidence, this clip in particular will help me in terms of composing the documentary, and what kind of people i should interview.

Though there are many documentaries of photography hardly any raise the question of how digital photography is taking over and whether or not analogue photography is becoming obsolete due to web 2.0. Furthermore my documentary looks into analogue photography as a subject in a secondary school/6th form as it gives a different perspective on photography from the youth which have different ideologies about this topic.

Becuase the filming will take place in a school environment, there will be an overpowering amount of females as it is a female school, so i have to tackle this issue by involving the males from the 6th form and the staff as well, also because this is an information based documentary i have have to use facts such as historical evidences, this also means that for this type of documentary a linear narrative is best.

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