Wednesday 6 January 2010

EVALUATION question 2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

My main product is an extract of a photography documentary so the images for the advertisement and double paged spread link to photography. In particular analogue professional photography as there is a sense of simplicity depicted in all three products.

In terms of the dominant ideology in the all three products, you know the documentary will be about photography, and the title gives the clue that it will explore photography and its socio-historic roots as one of its themes.


  • The mise en scene of the ancillary tasks are very simple, as the main focus is on the subject and what they are doing. In this case Balpreet my model was holding a analogue camera in the newspaper ad in a "in your face" paparazi style shot which is hard hitting and immediately captivates the reader, arrousing curiosity within them, so they read further. As my ad will be in The Metro newspaper which is free and mainly read by people with little time or even little money such as students, the ad is price efficient and consists of little writing, only indicating the bare necessities of they need to know, which is where and what time. The institution that will be braodcasting my documentary will be BBC which is a a terrestrial channel so mostly every one will be able to have access to it, and if they can't watch it on t.v it will be available to them on BBC iPayer. Perfect for those who have lttle time to spare during the day.

  • Both ancillary tasks construction consists of a mid grey background which is simple, but does use colour at the same time, the colour grey also connotes being in the middle as it is a mixture of black and white. Although I did recieve some criticisms on the colour scheme , the main factor was that it needed more colour. I used the colour grey because it relates to the simplicity of the docmentary as even in the documentary the use of simple sets emphasized the information being presented. Not only does the grey emphasise the subject but it subconsciously makes the viewer believe that this area of photography is unknown to them. I chose not to use white as it would be to typical, and the lighting was not good enough for white to be useing the backgroung. I could have edited the white into the background but the model was not lit well enough , and grey suited the "raw, street" effect I was going for.

  • In the documentary piece, there was an intercut of an extreme close up of a girl taking a photograph with a digital camera, which links to the newspaper ad as it has a close up of Balpreet holding a analogue camera. Strauss' theory of binary opposites is the thematic appraoch that I have taken here, in which it is believed that people understand things as complete opposites and can make assumptions that they relate. In the case of photography this works well as a tool to help the audience gain a sense of nostalgia from when they saw the newspaper advertisement, thus the combination of the ad and extract work very well.

  • In the double page spread, there was an interview with the director, symbollising an auteuristic style, because I am taking a personal, resposible and independent style appraoch when talking about my work. The mise en scene consists of Balpreet holding a digital camera, and on the opposite page it is a mirror image of her holding a analogue camera, connoting a sense of battle, and this is exaclty what is explored in the documentary. Analogue and digital photography go head to head in an exploration of the possibility of analogue photography becoming obsolete.

  • The iconography within the documentary itself is interesting. The talking heads are placed on the set as a midshot of a work of portraiture, because they have a image behind them emphasizing, as the rest of the products do, that this documentary links to photography.

  • The combination of both ancillary and main products work well because the link is made through the use of photograpic equipment such as camera and photographs. In addition the colour themes link well with one and other; as some of the major rules in photography is the rule of thrids, and the focus must be on the subject. Some way of doing this is either centering the subject or placing them in an environment which is simple. Therefore the style is consistent and conventional as well as a subversion of stereotypes within the actual content of the documentary through the utilisation of young and ethnic people, in terms of advertising and creating a documentary something which is thought to be for the older and stereotypically white majority.

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