Wednesday 16 December 2009

Photoshop-news paper ad.

Media synoptic day target.

  • finish filming of photographer taking pictures
  • complete documentary by lunch time
  • complete newspaper ad
  • start double page spead

Sunday 13 December 2009

Trouble shoot.

In the past two weeks i have completed my filming, but its hasn't always been easy.
for my first problem- i had to think about my sound quality which was quite poor, because of the lack of mics, also the Mise en scene was incorrect, even though the connotation behind it was supposed to be technological as it indicates a media student in the media lab, but this was unclear to the audience.

I re-shot the interview, with a mic and a white painted brick background from a better angle. the difference in results were phenomenal.


Next week is the deadline for our media coursework, and i have completed all my filming but have only partially completed the editing process. I was working on my images for the newspaper advertisement and the double page spread from, however i have lost all the information as the computer i was using crashed, luckily i still have the images, so i will need to work on the photoshop aspect of this project on monday non stop.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Potential photographs.

here are a variety of photographs some of which include my final images.

the flash of my camera is reflected in the lens of my models camera. this is a striking image but the light reflection ruin's it. it connotes how digital technology has become not necessarily a part of us but it has become a obligatory part of our life, almostchanging the way we are, in other words the younger generations are more technology literate.

these photograph's don't leave enough space for the middle where the fold will be, so i have taken some more images to replace these. there is also some issues regarding lighting and background mise en scene.

Wednesday 11 November 2009


This was the original photograph. i have used the dodge and blur tools, and text. though the difference may seem very insignificant the effect of this photograph is now more professional, in that it bring the attention to balpreet my model. However i could have imp[roved this photograph by giving it a higher blur in the background, because balpreet looks as if she is competing against the bin.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Media mock up – newspaper advert

The name of the documentary is Generations: THE DIGITAL ERA, this will be placed at the top as the head mast.

As a strong image I will have the profile of my model who will be female (Balpreet Daffu) to subvert the stereotype of the association of males with photography as some of the best modern studio photographers are male, but the analogue photographers are female such as Diane Arbus. This is also a typical of the white middle class back ground, because a person with a keen interest in analogue photography buys the equipment which is quite expensive so I will use an Asian model to challenge the stereotypes. As it will be a digital camera which my model will hold, the teenage audience to respond more to the advert rather then the typical older target audience because it refers to social networking sites.

for my double paged spread, the news paper ad photograph with a mirror image of the same girl in a similar pose, but this image will be in black and white so as to reflect the historical aspect of analogue photography, and there will be more of a focal point on the main subject rather then in the colour as it has more distractions, but colour image will be more effective for the news paper ad as it will catch the potential audiences eye. The camera in the image on the page on the right hand side will be an analogue camera. The fact that I may use the same image for the double page spread allows the audience to recognise and make a link from the newspaper ad.

I have named my documentary generations because I want it to be for the different generations in our society who are old enough to understand the concept of the digital era. Automatically the audience will assume what message is being given by the 2 contrasting images and will want to know more. The writing can go on the models hair and clothes but the main image will be the analogue and digital camera’s so no writing will be placed on them. For the colour photograph I will blur out the back ground so as not to distract the audience from the main image. The mise en scene for the colour photograph includes a wall with windows which will give it a slightly casual/ industrial feel. For the black and white photograph I will use the same back ground but darken it for a more dramatic appeal.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Possibilities of photographs for newspaper ad and listings magzine.

These are some of the styles in which i have decide to take my images.
This image i feel is best for the advertisement in the news paper becasue it is portrait, most of the poster advertisements I have looked at are similar to a movie poster, in terms of format, this can take up either one whole side of a newspapers page or can be minimised which is usually the case.

These images will be good for the background of the double page spread because it can be enlarged and split in the middle without taking away any major part of detail. and the writing can be place on the flowers which need to be less focused on. I have also used the rule of thrids which helps balance out the photograph.

These photographs are no longer going to be used as the main images because they are too vague and if someone were to look at them they wouldn't understand what it was about. However these phographs would be good to put on the bottom of the pages of the double page spread like in the sky listings magazine that i annotated earlier.

Sunday 18 October 2009


Over time photography has become part of the more economically developed countries' lifestyle, from social networking sites to art photography, taking a still image has changed the way society works. This documentary explores whether photography is an art and science form or is something that no longer has the same value in society as it did when it first came out, even though it was considered a popular culture it is no less then a scientific art form, in particualr the process of analogue photography. web 2.0 has enabled the audience to produce what they want on demand and has now blurred the line between the producer and the audience and with the digital era washing the shore's of our city's, digital photography has been adopted and is taking part in our lives, but where does this leave analogue photography? i hear you say, well thats what this documentary aims to explore through a journey where we can meet some of the people behind the camera's.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Newspaper advertisements

As we have now begun our photoshop work shop, we have started to look at the advertisement aspects of our product, and this includes how are image will be composed and the mise en scene. Since i am trying to recreate a "arty" effect for my documentary, this will reqiure good composition and this should involve another camera so the meaning is clear, preferably a analogue SLR camera which i have access to, so the connotations are clear to the audience.

The majority of advertisements for films are usually original film posters, and since documentary is a type of film, i will use the same layout of a poster.

This style of layout is very effective as it reminds the audience of the past, also it shows the main people involved in two snap shots, so it is worth me taking into account how this can help my audience understand what the documentary is about.

Monday 5 October 2009

Final brief.

My documentary is about photography as an art form which is slowly being digested by the modern generation and is being turned into a way of advertisment of their life, and it also takes a look into analogue photography and how it may soon become obsolete. I will explore these aspect by conducting interviews with photographers and students within my documentary to find out their views and opinions. This documentary will be mixed style but majority of it will be authered because it will be form my point of view.

After the product research i did i still believe that my product will be unique to the art documentary market because hardly any raise the question of whether or not analogue photography is becoming obsolete and none look into web 2.0.

After considering my research i have come to a conclusion that i will aim for an audience with the demographics of:
Anyone male/female with any ethnicity who is interested in art or photography with the age rage of 14 plus, although before i chose to aim it at 15 years old before my research has suggested otherwise. i chose the age from 14 because at this age, majority of teenagers at these ages are voyaging into the world of social networking. Further more this age is the time before choosing the GCSE subjects that you are interested in, one of which may be art or photography. my documentary will also act as a guide for those people. The older generation which are also part of my target audience will engage in my documentary through the historical aspects of photography and they will also be updated on the current situation of photography as part of the system of web 2.0 which allows people to produce and distribute what they want which subverts the aspect of the audience receiving from one end and the media industries and institutions giving from the other end. This theory was further developed into media studies 2.o by David Gauntlett in which he states that the border line between producer and audience is being blurred, the concept of my documentary involves exploring this theory which looks at digital photography as a tool replacing analog photography, which is usually done as an art in schools and colleges. this will be portrayed through the setting of the documentary which will be held at Burntwood.
the psychographics of my target audience is that of a non prejudice open minded person which is intersested in art and the ability express through it. from my audience research i have found that the younger target audience tend to go for the more urban culture of the environment they live in and so my documentary will appeal to them as it takes a look into the urban culture of photography.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Double page spread annalysis.

This is the second page from the spread above, it uses the same scrap book style as the other double page spread from the Radio times.

The image below is much more accesible compared to that above, it also has a scrap book effect, which is based around a particular person's experience in this case Borris Johnson, although this is not a double page spread for a documentary i think that the second page is a very good way to lay out my double page spread especially to attract the younger target audience.

These images were from sky listings magazines.

Monday 21 September 2009

listings magazines. (codes and conventions)

The following magazines have typical conventions of a listings magazine, which use small images with text next to it. For the double page spread it uses a large image where in the crease of the magazine it cuts off the image leaving the whole image broken , the main focus of the image is on the left side of the page because we read from left to right. the main text is usually almost over laid on the image.

radio times 
t.v guide 
timeout london
sky listings magazine

Audiene research 2

(1)Male participants research results.



There is a larger variety of ethnicities for the male participants rather then the female, this may interfere with the generalisation of these answers to the real world.

4)The male participants watched documenataries less then the females:

2 Participants watched 1 documentary a week.

5 Watched an average of 2 a month.

3 Participants hardly evcer watched documentaries.

5) this graph show the times the documentaries are usually watched at.

6) 10 Out of 10 participants answered that documentaries should be aired from 7-11 pm.

7)mlae participants have given the reasons for watching doicumentaries as a way to pass time, because they are bored or to find out about something they are intersted in.

8)male participants voted that the best documenatry style is mixed.

9) Every male included in this qualitative question that they dislike documentaries which do not give you enough information and don't come to a direct conclusion or, they answered that they dislike documentaries as they are very lengthy.

10) seven participants watched documentaries only on channel four and all ten have watched documentaries on bbc in the past three months.

11) The majority of male participants said that if they had the opportunity to create a documentary they would make it about their culture.

12)Only 4 male participants said yes that they would watch a photography documentary if it was based around youn people and 6 said no they wouldn't.

Sunday 13 September 2009

Audience research.

Questionnaire results. (1)For female participants.)


This pie chart shows the age range of the people who i gave my questionnaire's out to, i did not include the full range of ages so you can see what the main age of my target audience is.

3)This graph shows what number of people in different ethnicity's answered my questionnaire.
I chose for people to fill in the space for ethnicity on there own rather then a tick box, so they do not feel like they have a prejudice against them.

4)This graph shows how often participants watch documentaries per measure of time. The coloured bars are the number of people that took part. The numbers on the y axis show how often the participants watched per week/month/year/hardly ever.

5)The most popular timings that the female participants would like to view a documentary is at 9:00pm which i a prime time for television.

6)Similarly the time that the participants usualy watch their documentary is from 7:00 pm to 10:pm.

7)this question involved qualitative data these are some of the answers i recieved:
(insert SCAN)


9) Majority of people dislike documentaries for the length of time it is being shown.

10)The participants chose the documentaries which are shown on channel four and discovery home and health, from this we can conclude that people watch documentaries that are available to watch on t.v rather then going out of their way to buy a documentary.

11) This question asked the participants what kind of documentary they would make and why, majority indicated that they would base it around their culture because they want to avert stereotypes and inform people.

12) 6 out of 10 participants said that they would watch a documentary on photography which was based around young people (majority were older women), 3 said no 1 abstained, this shows that some people have a bias view towards documentaries.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Product research.

I have been looking at a range of photography documentaries these include the genius of photography, masters of photography:Diane arbus, Annie Lebovitz: life through the lens. these kinds of documentaries have been shown on television previously, and have also gone on to dvd for purchasing, as they have been made independantly so money is constantly trying to be made.

what is noticable is that theses documentaries are mainly fact based as they use historical evidences, events and information in a way that other documentaries are not, for example some documentaries can be just as a tabloid news paper, such as documentaries on events.

The following documentaries have examples of interviews in which the photgrapher speaks directly to the camera which is the main convention of a self refexive documentary.

This particular documentary has used a cuts of the different people that will be interviewed in the documentary, thus introducing the people to the audience right at the beginning, and we see some quite famous and credible people such as Hillary Clinton and other's like woopy goldberg. Although this lip is an ad for a documentary it does show what a the beginning of a documentary could be, i have decided to open ,y documentary by using a variety of people who are in some way involved with photography, whether it be on a via social networking site or a traditional role of film. My documentary's aim is to inform people about the analogue photography and whether or not it will become obsolete.

Initial brief.

I intend to make a five minute extract of an authored documentary, plus a double paged spread for a listings magazine and also a newspaper advert for the documentary.

For my target audience the demographics are both male and female’s aged from 15 and above, as my documentary looks at today’s generation and how web 2.0 allows a means of uploading photo’s on to the internet by virtually anyone and considering their selves photographer’s when it truly takes a lot more skill then to just snap a button. However this documentary also takes a journey through analogue photography within a school and a 6th form therefore it can appeal to a wider audience then just photographers, for example parents as well as young adults or children may be interested in how photography works as a subject, also today’s culture is made of many generations and ethnicities where art means different things for individuals, and this documentary will help those people understand and appreciate photography as an art.

My intended audience’s psychographics are people with an interest in art and believe in the expressionism that can be portrayed through it. Also their lifestyle can be of a student or a senior member of the public who have little time for art but still want to know more about it.

There are many other similar media products, such as The Genius Of Photography, and National Geographic’s productions The Photographer’s and Through The Lens, there are also independent documentaries specifying on just one photographer and their style of photography. I have looked at various clips within some of the documentaries to gain an idea of what kind of footage I should get for my documentary.

Thi clip of the documentary Genius of photography and is a good example of how to use a voice over, an interview and historical eveidence, this clip in particular will help me in terms of composing the documentary, and what kind of people i should interview.

Though there are many documentaries of photography hardly any raise the question of how digital photography is taking over and whether or not analogue photography is becoming obsolete due to web 2.0. Furthermore my documentary looks into analogue photography as a subject in a secondary school/6th form as it gives a different perspective on photography from the youth which have different ideologies about this topic.

Becuase the filming will take place in a school environment, there will be an overpowering amount of females as it is a female school, so i have to tackle this issue by involving the males from the 6th form and the staff as well, also because this is an information based documentary i have have to use facts such as historical evidences, this also means that for this type of documentary a linear narrative is best.